What’s New with 4/4 Architecture?

We have been hard at work at the 4/4 Architecture offices! Preview our Spring 2022 newsletter for some updates on our work – both completed and on-the-boards!

Our newsletter includes stories like our work with Made in the Shade, as well as projects that are still in the works, like our collaborations with The Clubhouse Grille and the Cantelmi family (of Cantelmi’s Hardware). We also share collaborations with some frequent partners, such as Civitas Regio and Serfass Construction.

How can we help you?

4/4 Architecture is here to help you succeed. We are a commercial architecture practice. Our clients are business owners, construction managers and property managers.

Use the form below to get in touch with the 4/4 Architecture team. Tell us more about your project, and we’ll get in touch with you to share how 4/4 can bring value to your project.

We’re excited to help you! Briefly tell us about your project so we can be prepared to contact you and assist.

What’s in a name?

4/4 Architecture. You know, like 4/4 time in music. Also, our address is 414 W. Broad Street in Bethlehem, Pa. We like layers of meaning and as an architect (who is also a musician) we also like accomplishing several things at once. The name ties into our address, the place where we connect with our community. 4/4 time? A basic framework in music. An underlying structure. A blank canvas where so many ideas, melodies and harmonies can be woven together to form a composition.