Growing a Business

Like a Fine Wine, Growing a Business Takes Time…But Hopefully Not Too Much!

Kevin Danna of Binah Winery worked with 4/4 Architecture to expand his growing business into a new location.
Click on the photo to hear Kevin’s experience in opening Binah Winery’s second location.

Binah Winery | Client Kevin M. Danna

Award-winning winemaker Kevin Danna needed a larger space for his wine-making business. Growing a business in Allentown, he located a good space at Bridgeworks Enterprise Center in Allentown. Recently, from the staging area of his now-open space, Kevin explained his wine-making process: One of the things that differentiates his kosher winery from all others is his use of grapes from the Eastern United States. As a result, his winery is generating interest among those who appreciate good wine. In fact, Binah Winery took home several awards from the American Wine Society.

Expanding to a Second Location

When Kevin first found his new space, in an industrial building operated by the Allentown Economic Development Corporation, it was nearly ready to use. He had a tight timeframe and reached out to 4/4 Architecture about his business’s space needs and the related municipal requirements. It turns out, Gary (4/4’s President) was able to help and Kevin soon opened his doors for business.

“Binah Winery a really cool business and I’m happy for Kevin that he’s opening a second location,” Gary said. “It’s one of my goals to help proprietors get their businesses up and running.” 

What a Growing Business Needs from an Architect Varies

What a business needs from an architect varies from one project to another. Some businesses are at the stage that they can invest in a new building that Gary designs from the ground up to reflect who they are. In this case, both the exterior and the interior can express the business’s brand. Plus, the space meets their functional needs and serves as a great place to work. One glance and you understand what this business is about. The owner can take pride in such a project and employees love working there.

But there are many steps that need to happen before a business gets to that point. It starts with the basics. What does the business need in order to perform its core functions? That can mean electrical and plumbing fit outs, like for Binah Winery. Architectural drawings communicate to the city what is planned and to the contractors what needs to be done, how, and where. That protects business owners by ensuring they have a space that supports them in providing a quality product — by way of a smooth workflow in their space. Businesses evolve and we like to be there to help make that happen.

If you are considering the space needs for your new or growing business, contact us at